Monday 4 September 2017

(Art) Teachers are the Bane of my Life

I'm literally writing this the day before I talk to someone about doing a foundation art course instead of going to uni straight after year 13. Why am I like this?

If you've ever taken a gander at some of the videos on the art side of YouTube, you'll have seen that quite a few of them involve users complaining about how their art teachers treated them like crap while a speed paint takes place in the background. I watch some highbrow stuff on YouTube... Sometimes, the stories in the comments are worse than the ones in the video. I read a comment about how a teacher put a lighter to some kids' work because of the style of some of the art. Which is terrifying and illegal. 

While watching these videos, I often wonder why the teachers being talked about joined their profession in the first place. Because, how can you join a profession focused around children and then treat them like shit? A lot of the time, people under 18 aren't "mini adults" and can't take the emotional beatings that people seem to become numb to once they leave the education system.

Anyway, I thought I'd complain about teachers I've had up to this point (legit starting year 13 in two days kill me please) because I need to post something. lol

The Teacher Who Pretty Much Made Me Have A Panic Attack
I don't know if these count as panic attacks but once in a while I cry to the point where I can't breathe???? I've managed not to do this much at secondary school, which means that I've kept some dignity. Some....
So, he's caused me to do that. Told me I'd never get an A or above in art and a B would probably be pushing it too. I got a B btw. He also touched my shoulders a lot and would occasionally touch my leg which would make me uncomfortable. lol I was definitely not his favourite in GCSE art because he made it obvious who his faves were. His compliments on my work always felt a little backhanded because he said that my lightbox (literally traced) work was better than my free hand work. 
It's also fun because when he left my friend was being all, "oh he's leaving! I'm sad!" And I obvious couldn't be like, "thank fuck this twat is finally fucking off to another shithole."

The Teacher Who Wasn't That Helpful
I had this teacher as an art teacher in like year 8 and I really didn't like her. Can't remember why. So I had her for photography in year 12 and she was okay at the beginning of the year but then she was a bit meh. Basically, people would ask for her help and she would say nothing helpful at all so people would be stuck in a loop of knowing that their work wasn't "acetate worthy" but not why.

The Teacher Who Said in Front of the Entire Class that there was No Way I could have got as High a Grade as Another Teacher had Given Me
Which was mortifying to begin with, never mind the fact that people found this hilarious and they already made fun of me so....

The Perv Teacher
He never did anything to me but I've seen and heard of some of the shit he'd done. He was a P.E. teacher FYI. Two friends and I reported him after the first lesson we had with him. He legit asked a 14/15 year old girl if she would rather be eaten or beaten without context, when she made it obvious that she was confused, he asked if she was a vegetarian. Like what?????? He also invited underage girls to a party or was trying to get himself invited to a party they were going to (can't remember which). He stared at girls arses when they squatted.

The At This Rate You'll Get a U Teacher
He was a dick basically. He told me and my mum on parents' evening that I was pretty much going to fail AS maths and didn't give any helpful advice and how not to fail. He also made comments about my makeup, hair, and clothing every lesson, so that was fun.

The "Crap is Swearing" Teacher
She nearly lost her shit because I said crap every time I fucked something up (which was a lot). I don't think she liked me. lol

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