Wednesday 1 March 2017

5 Dating Tips from Someone Who's Never Been in a Relationship

Because the best advice always comes from people who hasn't been in the situation they're giving advice from.

A lot of people have been/ are in relationships and apparently, they're meant to be nice or something. I literally don't know bc I've been single my entire life and probably will remain single and then die alone. But I'm giving dating advice....

     1. If your partner cheats on you, leave them.
Well, you don't have to. But if they cheat once, they'll probably cheat again and that's multiple heartache that you probably don't deserve. You may want to give them a second chance. Which I think is perfectly fine probably. But if they cheat again; LEAVE THEM. Their apologies don't mean shit if they do it again.

      2. Learn about each other's interests.
You don't understand how sick I am of seeing posts about how a girl will go with her boyfriend's interests but the boyfriend knows fuck all about the girlfriend's interests (usually makeup but still). I'm not saying become an expert on what they like because that's extreme. Learn some basic crap, e.g. what eyeliner looks like- yes, we're back to makeup- so you can enjoy things together or something. Idk, I think you're meant to enjoy being with the person you're dating.

     3. Don't date someone who doesn't respect your/ other people's boundaries.
This one is very important. If they often do things before a relationship that make you uncomfortable or make you feel like you have to do things with them e.g. a date, physical contact, sending them pictures, run far away from them. It's the same with other people. If it's clear they make people uncomfortable in these kind of ways, then avoid them at all costs.

     4. Politics aren't just a difference of opinion. 
In my opinion, it's perfectly okay to end a relationship because of conflicting political opinions. You may have heard of the article about the "Feminist" dating a Trump Supporter. This woman is perfectly happy with dating a man who makes sexist jokes and told her bisexual friend that their sexuality doesn't exist. Is she a failure of a feminist and a LGBT ally? Yes. You shouldn't compromise your beliefs for a partner, unless it's for the better (i.e. tolerance). 

     5. Don't date someone who's anti minority (especially if you're technically a part of that minority)
For example, if you're gay then don't date a biphobe or a transphobe. It's LGBT not lGb....t. That just makes you a shitty person.
Dating a person like this will just cause discomfort for you and other people, and in a way, makes you as bad as them.

This was fun and took ages. I totally didn't run out of ideas and had to Google something and then came up with my own ideas. #skills. Post your dating tips in the comments.

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