Thursday 29 June 2017

Satan Reviews- Films: G.B.F

G.B.F (2013)


1h 38m
When this film was first announced, Tumblr was a might outraged. In their defence, without watching the film it can sound a little problematic. However, I'm glad to say it's actually kinda sweet and is basically how the whole "gay best friend" culture that I think has ended but who knows was fetishizing towards mlm and why we needed to stop with it.

This film was definitely fun to watch. I guess it was a little bit funny, but not laugh out loud funny which is a bit of a shame. I wanted to find this film hilarious because it's a comedy with a good message that's a little cliché in a good way.

I think this film had some lowkey iconic moments that will probably never become popular among social media. I mean, the glitter thing at the end is something that looks like it came straight out of a 2000's/ early 2010's Disney film.
It also features such moments as:
Tanner Daniels: You're doing it again.
Fawcett Brooks: What?
Tanner Daniels: That noise girls make when they see two gay guys together.
Christian: Yeah, it's the same annoying sound people make when they see cute animals dressed in human clothes.
Soledad Braunstein: [struggling to keep the gayless Gay/Straight Alliance club alive] What if Viola here came out as a lesbian? Viola: Hey! I'm strictly dickly, yo. Soledad Braunstein: [sideways to Viola] Just take one for the team.

And there's the part where Sophie points out how if she were to come out as a lesbian, then the reaction to her coming out would be different to Tanner's coming out. He became popular, she would probably not.

There's also some weird thing about a cat, but I have no idea what was going on at that point to be honest. "I too had a GBF but now I have a cat"......... Basically what happened.

My main problem with this film is that it can be a little racist at times. Such as calling Shley a "Rice Queen" in the end monologue when Tanner says that she's dating Glenn. Because wow.
There's also the SBF/sassy black friend comment made towards Caprice but you know that you're meant to think that's at least bad from Caprice and Brent's faces when the comment is said. So it's not really an example.
Also, this film is really white. Nearly all the characters are white and all the gay characters are white men which could explain some of the more questionable lines in the film.

Would I watch this film again? Maybe. I feel like it would be a good film to watch at a sleepover if they were still socially acceptable at my age.
Would I recommend this film? Also maybe. I think you need to be in a certain mood to watch this film, but I don't know what that mood is..