Monday 25 July 2016

Satan Reviews- Books: The Boyfriend List

The Boyfriend List: 15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver (Ruby Oliver #1)

E. Lockhart

Random House Children's Books

Warnings: Some mild spoilers and a little swearing.

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I thought the protagonist was a realistic portrayal of a 15 year-old girl, was relatable (not to me, but I know people who could definitely understand Ruby's perspective better than me) and quite likeable.

The plot was a girl trying to get control over her life after it goes horrifically downhill because her ex boyfriend, Jackson, is the worst piece of shit ever, I want him to fucking burn. Then, her bestfriend goes out with him. Which, I swear is against girl code or something. Unless the relationship ended on a high note or whatever the expression is, you don't date friends' exes.

As someone who hasn't been to therapy, yet jokes, jokes, I don't know if the portrayal of the therapy was realistic. It came off as that. I never questioned any of it, which is good for me because I doubt fucking everything.

The writing itself was simple and actually enjoyable. It sounded like it had been written by a teenager, not a thirty something year-old with three kids who thinks their references to stuff from before their readers were born is edgy. The words used also meant that the readers the book was meant for can actually understand what is going on; because even though I'm meant to have a high reading age, I often have to look words up because what the shit is ambulatory??? I don't understand what the author is trying to say. Which is great for your surprisingly easily affected self esteem when it comes to your language skills.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and may read the rest of the series.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars.

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