Monday 25 July 2016

Satan's Personal Posts- 5: I HATE Peta

Peta tried to test me on Twitter.
For anyone who doesn't know, I really hate Peta. They're meant to be an animal charity, but they do a piss poor job of actually looking after any animals.

They recently tweeted a weird tutorial on how to make a vegan hotdog. It was literally a carrot, but whatever. And of course, where there's a tweet about veganism, the shitty vegans come out. You know, the weird ones who think that everyone should be vegan, you're a murderer if you're not a vegan and they get really aggressive about it. I don't hate vegans.

And of course, a few of the weird ones came out of their caves lined with celery to post fun pictures about how meat is murder.
Example A:
Alright, love. We get it. Y'all sad from the lack of bacon.
I'm not saying all vegans are like this, I'm just saying that some of them are twat heads. I also don't like bacon, sooooo.....

One of my favourite things to point out to vegans is that a lot of animals need meat to live.
Peta sent me a link to a blog post, trying to prove that pets can live off vegan diets. It was from their own blog. Now here's a little tip from Satan herself: if you want to prove your point, use an unbiased source, not something you wrote. I don't believe you, why would showing me your words change my mind???
I then did my own research to prove to myself that I was right. A few minutes on google, avoiding vegan/vegetarian sites because they're more likely to have biases, proved that I was mostly right. Dogs can have vegetarian diets, but would require more frequent check ups at the vets- a large added cost. Cats could, in theory, be vegetarian apparently, but they need a lot of extra supplements. Most (vet) websites said that cats needed meat because they're carnivores, whereas dogs are more omnivorous like humans.
Also, you should not feed puppies/ kittens or pets that your plan to breed on vegetarian diets. And they suggest consulting your vet before doing anything and only using approved diets.   

If you're interested in the carrot hot dogs, this is the tweet

The Actual Reasons I Hate Peta
(Tw: Animal abuse, graphic images of animal abuse/ dead animals (bolded out), racism, anti-Semitism, ableism in links. Tumblr source post with individual trigger warnings linked at the end of this post.)
Peta don't actually care about animals as proven by their fun antics through the years and their ridiculous ideologies. Such as their hatred of Pitbulls.
They have done horrible things over the years, such as give children these gory comics telling them that their mothers and fathers  were murderers or kidnap pets and euthenise them. They also have incredibly high rates of euthenising pets. A bill was passed because of it.
They also use racism, anti-Semitism and ableism to further their agenda.

They're not a charity, they're money hungry shit heads who get away with their horrific actions because they can afford the lawyers.
Like when they got away with stealing a family pet and killing it.

  • Pet diets:
  1. HealthyPets
  2. PetMD
  3. WebMD: Pets
  4. Vet Street
  • Reasons I hate Peta
  1. Listverse
  2. This Tumblr post (separate trigger warnings for links shown)  

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