Wednesday 12 October 2016

Trope Series #6

That One Episode of a Show Where Everything is Different Due to Dream/ Parallel Universe/ Changing the Past

Spoilers for series 1-3 of the Flash and some for Castle
I know for the Flash it's a series not an episode, but the point still stands. It's even worse in this case.

For some reason, lots of TV series do this. And I hate it. Writers sometimes try to use it for some comic relief, based fully on second hand embarrassment. Which I also hate. Why would I want to watch something that made me uncomfortable?

This episode usually happens due to a character banging their head or something and having some sort of weird dream where everything is different. For example, in a later series of Castle, the titular character, Richard Castle, bangs his head and has a dream he never met his wife and how it affected his life. Which was weird because he was also trying to find an amulet and needless to say I didn't like that episode. All of the comic relief for a very heavy episode was based on second hand embarrassment and I always skip the episode if I re-watch the series.

Series 3 of the Flash will probably be entirely this trope as it's based off of Flashpoint from the comics. There are more similarities with the comics than reasons I want to watch this series. The only definite thing I can see is that's Barry's dead parents aren't dead. woo. Actually, his dad is dead in the comics, but still.
The trailer tells us that the series will feature the should be dead Reverse Flash in a cage, somewhere for some reason. Idk, I think it's because Barry won't actually kill anyone directly. And Kid Flash is in it! Yay!
It looks so bad. I'm still gonna watch it though.
I have other issues with it which I'll probably whine about in another post. But yeah.

I think Glee did it. Probably. That show was weird.

Edit: Flashpoint technically only lasted an episode. I think. Admittedly, I was wrong, they actually did quite a good job with it, even if it's nothing like the comic.

I give up. Anyway, what do you think about this trope? Any tropes you hate? How about you maybe tell me?

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