Wednesday 9 November 2016

Trope Series #10

You've Developed as a Character and Now You're Going to Die

Song Reference Title
Do you ever get a strange feeling when watching a show or reading a book and a character suddenly gets a lot of character development? Like maybe something isn't going to go well for them? Or they're about to be killed off because the character development made you more attached to the character, so their death is meant to make you feel something?????? But then it only makes you annoyed because you knew they were going to die and it has no effect and has lost even its shock factor.
*Glares at DCTV*

Come at me DC fans. I actually like the DC shows, they're really well done, it's just they keep killing off characters just after character development. Also, please don't come at me, I'm fragile. Unless it technically counts as a promo, I need the promo.

To be fair, DC aren't the only people who do it. Marvel do it as well.
Now it doesn't look like I have Marvel bias. Bc I don't. They're on the same level tbh, but that's irrelevant.

As story telling goes, this is up there as one of the worst tropes, ignoring the offensive ones. As a creator, you basically do a build up of something and then you make it almost redundant for "shock factor" or making the consumers feel something. It's pretty much a waste, but whatevs.
And, considering I'm a bitch, 90% of the time, the deaths don't affect me. Like, I'm annoyed, but that's it. Unless it's a dog, I probs won't be anything but annoyed and then very bitter.

I know sometimes it's needed or whatever, but it's so over used, like everything does it. Occasionally does work well, but like not every creator needs to do it. Secondary and minor characters are allowed to live, people. Shocking idea, I know Supernatural. Characters can just leave things, they're allowed. Then you can bring them back and then kill them, Supernatural, you queer-baiting piece of shit.

What do you think of this trope? Any tropes you want me to write about? Comment below.

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